Tuesday, July 03, 2007

On Forth of July Eve

A lot of people get really excited for Christmas Eve, which is understandable--it is pretty exciting to think about God coming down your chimney to leaving you sweet greenies and brand new hedgehogs. But for me, this is the day I try to go to bed early but can't sleep so I start counting red, white and blue flags jumping over a fence. Tomorrow is the 4th of July, greatest holiday ever invented. I hope you're all prepared to celebrate! I might go out and buy a Hummer to celebrate (thanks for the idea Jed). But seriously, I was only driving that hybrid because my lame liberal parents won't buy anything else. As soon as I start making serious money on this blog I'm totally getting a Hummer (no, not like Clinton). Imagine it people: me sitting in the drivers seat of a Hummer, one huge giantist American flag on each side, Bush bumper stickers, oh man, I'm never falling asleep tonight.

God Bless America



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