Tuesday, October 23, 2007

On Voteing

My man, Chuck Norris, has put his considerable power (I hear he could kick a football all the way to the moon) behind the same candidate I'm going to vote for: Mike Huckabee.

I realize that you haven't heard me mention this name before so it *might* look like I'm voting for whoever Chuck Norris is (which, btw, isn't that bad of a way to decide who you're voting for, the man won't steer you wrong, also it's my understanding that if the sun blew up we could put Chuck Norris in the sky and survive off his life giving rays). But that's not what's happening here. I've been in contact with Chuck Norris and we decided to announce our votes at the same time to double the impact (speaking of impact, I hear that if Chuck Norris kicked you in the nuts your whole family would feel it).


Blogger each of the two said...

i've heard things too!

i heard that chuck norris went to the virgin islands and now they are just called "the islands"

ive also heard that his tears cure cancer, its too bad he doesnt cry.

oh and there is this crazy rumor going round that if you can see Chuck norris he can see you, but if you CAN'T see him, ya got about 5 seconds left...

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't tell me you're one of "those" people, uhhh dogs, who change candidates depending on which way the wind is blowing. Now don't get me wrong, I think Mike Huckabee has some very good qualities, but he's NOT going to win the nomination any more than Ron Paul is!! A couple of months ago your choice of prospects in order were Romney, Giuliani, Thompson, & McCain. I can see Huckabee moving up on your list, but how did he jump over all four of these REAL candidates?
You are truly a political icon, T, and I look forward to hearing what it is that has caused you to abandon your original choices to bury Scary Hillary as deeply as is humanly possible.


12:18 AM  

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